Friday, November 22, 2013

Pencils and Gold.

Sometimes you just need a pencil skirt.  And it needs to be in gold.  After finishing some orders for a few clients this past month, I had this amazing brocade fabric left over. I had dreams of this bomb gold skirt that I could wear throughout the holidays.  And this is what came out of those dreams.  Cameron and I had way too much fun taking these pics!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Here's to hoping I still fit in the skirt after next week:)

Don't know what that means.. but we thought the wall was too cool to pass up!

Still loving exposed zippers..

He makes my pics look SO much better!

Gotta take one of those hipster we're together but we are so angry right now pics. 


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Voting time my friends!

I know I am a few days late but HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Sometimes I feel like we should celebrate this holiday every six months.  Once a year just doesn't seem to be enough.  Every year I spend months just thinking about what I should be for Halloween.  With my new-found love for sewing I knew this year my costume would HAVE to be home-sewn.  And because I am an avid Project Runway fan I also wanted to do something a little outside of the box.. call it my "Unconventional Challenge" costume.  So I got on Ebay...Ordered the game Twister, and decided to make myself a dress with the actual Twister mat!  It was so much fun to make!  Definitely not the easiest material to sew on.  I quickly learned that you CANNOT back-stitch on a Twister mat!  But I had a blast creating it and I love how it turned out.  I added a bright red zipper down the back, and used matching blue bias tape to finish off the edges.  Check it out and let me know what you think!

Since Halloween, my Twister dress has been entered into BurdaStyle's costume contest!  And it is currently in 3rd place!  How exciting!  So if you like how my costume turned out will you do me a favor and vote for my dress?!  Just click HERE to vote! You can vote once from each device.  So vote from your phone, your computer, your ipad, etc etc etc!!  The grand prize is a new BabyLock sewing machine (goodness gracious I could use one of those!).  After you vote let me know by leaving a comment below or on my instagram account @bybrookedesigns.. If I win I will be randomly selecting one of you to receive a FREE #byBrooke design!  So get those votes in!  Contest goes until Wednesday November 6th.  I've got some stiff competition so every vote counts!
