Monday, June 10, 2013

London Calls

I wanted to document (for Cameron and I) our London trip.  Because quite honestly it has been the biggest miracle and most amazing opportunity for us at this time and I never want to forget how blessed we are.

Lets start from the beginning.  A couple of weeks ago I got an email from my manager asking if anyone was interested in going to London to cover cases for our company for a few days while the UK team held their first countrywide conference.  I just happened to be sitting at the computer when that email was sent and yelled out to Cameron "Should I go to Europe to work for a few days??" his response was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!  If you ever get asked to go to Europe DO IT!" haha (just another reason for loving my hubby) so I quickly emailed back and well here I am!  Cameron and I debated back and forth as to whether he should come with me (tickets are EXPENSIVE! and so is school!)  But because my company would be paying for my airplane ticket, hotel for a few days, and my food for a few days we decided to chalk up the money and go for it.  We found out a day later that my company would not just be paying for a few days of my hotel they would be paying for our hotel for the ENTIRE time (blessings blessings blessing).  I am thoroughly convinced I have the very best job in. the. world.

So after three straight weekends of family in town, a week at the beach (hard life I know) and finishing four dresses in a week.. we packed up and were off to London.  The flight over was hectic.. like always.. if you know the webbers you know that no one in our family takes international flights with out some kind of drama.  I was hoping since I am now a Lowry my luck would change but alas it has not.  Picture Cameron and I running in a full out sprint for about 5 miles while carrying three bags in heels uphill in the snow (jkjkjk) through the Dulles airport to make our London flight (otherwise we would have to wait until the morning to leave which would throw off our trip and my work etc etc etc.)  We might have sat on that flight smelling bad and all sweaty from the sprint..poor guy sitting next to us... but we made it. Can I get a hallelujah. 

Our first 24 hours in Europe has been pretty epic.  We pulled into our hotel and I swear my mouth dropped to the floor.  I have been to Europe with my family before so I know how the hotels can be in Europe (small.. or lets say cozy..most closely relating a dorm room from the 60's).  I kept telling Cameron no you dont understand this is AMAAZING!!!!  We have tea tree shampoo and conditioner in our bath need I say more?  Thank you again to my wonderful job.  We spent the day feeling like zombies as we walked around the town.  Goodness that time change is a beast!  But the town near the Marble Arch is so charming!  Oh the accents, the shopping, the bread and cheese its absolutley BRILLIANT (heard that one on the train today.. wish I could get away with saying that and sounding wise like the English do). 

(Our amazing hotel-minus the two twin beds..oops! Haha. We fell asleep holding hands #newlywedsforever)

So here we go!  I will try to keep up on this for the next week as almost a way to journal.  Feel free to read if you are interested!  I Should be getting pictures soon.  Love and chao to our friends and family back home.


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