Monday, July 22, 2013


Feeling very grateful today for life and the joys that Cameron and I have been able to experience lately. We have dreamed about this path we are on for a while now and it seems like everything is falling into place so beautifully.  It has definitely been a test of our patience (never thought I would still be putting someone through school at my age) but I can't imagine not being a part of Cameron's life in this part of his (now our) journey.  We may not have money till we are 40, Cameron may be in school for 20 more years, and I might be redecorating tiny little apartments for years and years to come but we are having so much fun along the way.  Which I didn't quite expect.  And I definitely have my hubby to credit for that.  He is great at reminding me of these simple words from Sister Hinckley:


 I am so proud/grateful that Cameron is every bit the man I thought he was the day I married him.  He has worked so hard to create a life for our little family and I never doubt his ability to achieve goals that he sets for himself.  And on top of those blessings we have made friends in the last few months that we will have forever.  I am grateful for their positive influence in our lives.  They make us laugh, they motivate us to work hard, and they inspire us to make righteous decisions.  I cannot think of better qualities to have in a friend.  Cameron and I have truly been given much in this life.  And we are constantly feeling the joy of that blessing.  But because we have been given much we know that in return we too must give.   And I hope that in our times of great joy and even in our times of sorrow we will feel that responsibility and make it a priority.  

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